Minimalist Transformation! The Benefits of a Minimalist Home
Minimalist homes are about more than plain, white walls. They encourage us to see through the clutter in our lives and appreciate what’s important to us. It sounds blissful, doesn’t it?!
There's a whole host of benefits which come from minimalist interiors. All the more reason to start your own minimalist transformation!
Shop our Marble Mountains Poster today!
Less clutter = less stress
We've all heard of the saying ‘tidy house, tidy mind'. But, did you know that clutter actually triggers the stress hormone cortisol in our brains? That overwhelmed feeling we get when entering untidy spaces is actually biological. But, what can we do about it? Keep on top of the clutter!
If you need a bit more convincing, studies have also linked clutter to unhealthy habits. One study showed that people are more likely to snack in cluttered kitchens. To add to that, Harvard University conducted a study measuring clutter's effect on productivity. After giving students a task, those working in a tidy space stuck at it 60% longer than those working in clutter. Tasks felt more achievable if students worked somewhere clear of mess. It makes so much sense!
So, get out of that clutter-anxiety cycle. Have a clear through your stuff. You’ll feel much better for it!
Saving money with minimalism
It’s easy to buy things we don’t really need. But, once our living spaces are clear and tidy, there’s less temptation to fill them with stuff again. Do you know what that means? Saving money in the long term!
A minimalist state of mind makes us reconsider what success means. Instead of making money to buy the latest gadget, which will soon be replaced by the next best-thing, is there something better we could do with that money?
It’s all part of resisting consumerist culture. Instead of swaying with passing trends, we should invest in things we really want. And, how does that translate into our homes? If we waste less money on belongings we won’t want in a month’s time, we might have a bit of extra on the side to put towards something that really feels like home!
Instead of harbouring excess stuff, you’ll have more of a chance to value the possessions you already own. Which leads us onto our next point...
Take a look at our beautifully minimalist Golden Pampas Poster.
Our hand-painted Still We Rise Poster is simply stunning!
Our possessions become more valuable to us
Living by minimalist values encourages us to think carefully about individual possessions.
We can start asking ourselves questions like;
What does each item mean to us?
Does it add value to our lives?
If the answer is ‘yes!’ to each of these questions, that’s when we should hold onto something. If you haven’t heard of Mari Kondo, she can give you some serious help here! She believes that people should construct their spaces choosing joy above anything else. Take a look at her website here!
So, where does that leave us? It means we’re surrounded by possessions which make us feel happy rather than draining the energy from us.
That extra pair of scissors which always get jammed? Throw them away, they’re only causing you stress. The beautiful lamp you bought years ago that gives off a perfect, warm glow? Keep it, look after it, and make it the focal point of a room.
Valuing each item also means we’re more likely to take care of the things we own. Instead of throwing something out if it gets broken, we might mend it instead. This practice encourages us to treat the items we chose to bring into our lives with respect. It’s great for the environment too as we’re less likely to throw things away. Win, win!
Rooms look striking!
Minimalist living spaces also look brilliant! They give each of your possessions the space to shine on their own. As minimalist spaces tend to feature muted colours, any pops of detail really stand out.
Take your kitchen table for example. Without stuff piled on top, you can appreciate the grain in the wood it’s made out of. Or, let's take a look at your sofa. If there's less ornamentation in the room, the texture and pattern of your cushions catches the eye's attention.
It also gives you the opportunity to have stunning focal points in your rooms. Why not try one of Project Nord’s minimalist posters as a centre-piece? Large prints make a real impact on a space, without being overwhelming. The result? Clear and beautiful living spaces which you can truly relax in.
Another beautiful, hand-painted design, our La Mer Poster.
So, transform your home with some minimalist design! Make sure to take photos and tag us on Instagram @project.nord. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Written by Jessica Slater.
Images sourced from Project Nord website.