10 New Year’s resolutions you and your surroundings will benefit from


Who doesn’t know the situation: as soon as the end of the year is approaching, we start making resolutions for the new year. Most of us plan to lose weight, work out more or to live more economically in order to save money. In our list you will find some untypical New Year’s resolutions not only you, but also your surroundings will benefit from.



1. Live more sustainably

The topic of sustainability is becoming more and more important - and justifiably so! Unfortunately, life in a globalized world does not always have positive effects and, above all, for the sake of the environment, we should all incorporate more sustainability into our everyday lives. Why don’t you try to become a little more sustainable step by step for the new year?

For example, start by getting yourself a portable coffee mug to avoid disposable cups. Go shopping with a cloth bag. Ride short distances by bike instead of taking the car. Slowly, these changes will become habits that you can improve over the year. Maybe one day you will decide to cycle to work entirely. Or you try to limit your plastic consumption as much as possible, incorporating the “Zero Waste” approach into your life.

If you want to know a little bit more about the origins of sustainability and ideas for implementing it in your everyday life, you should definitely take a look at this article in our journal.



2. Cut down on bad habits

Bad habits, such as giving up smoking or drinking alcohol, were certainly already on the list of New Year's resolutions for many. The problem is that most people want to see results within a short time span  and expect a U-turn straight away. Unfortunately, since habits cannot be changed overnight, many fail their resolutions.

Do you want to stop using cigarettes? Why don't you try to smoke a cigarette or two less every month? This way your body can adjust to the change a lot better and you will be a non-smoker by the end of the year.

Or do you want to eat healthier and stop your sugar consumption? Start for example to halve the amount of sugar you put in your coffee or tea. If that works well, you can drop the sweet pastries in the morning or the bar of chocolate at night.

When changing habits, it is important to proceed in small steps. Everything takes time, and with a little perseverance, you can cross the resolution for the next year off your list.



3. Travel more, but in a responsible way

Traveling helps us to escape our everyday life for a while, get to know new countries and cultures and thus broaden our horizons. The problem with traveling are all the CO2 emissions that are released into the environment. However, that doesn't mean that you have to give up traveling completely. Try to travel more sustainably this year.

In Europe, for example, you will find a lot of great travel destinations that you can easily reach by train or bus. You may need a little bit more time for the journey, but you will also see more of the landscape and how it is changing - according to the motto “the journey is the reward”.

If you're drawn to more distant destinations, try planning a big annual vacation. This way you only need one outbound and return flight, and at the same time you have the opportunity to explore your destination a little more. When making your choice, keep an eye out for direct flights, as the take-off and climb phases comparatively use the most fuel. Visit the “atmosfair” website to find more information about CO2 offsets and climate protection.



4. Declutter

Your closet is about to burst, and you are only wearing about half of your clothes? Boxes are piling up in your apartment and there is a lot of clutter? Then it will be time to clean up for the New Year. It is best to start your decluttering project at one problem area in your apartment and work your way onwards with time. For each article, consider whether you really need it or whether you have used it recently. Every possession of yours should have a fixed place in your home to prevent stuff from piling up. Storage boxes or containers can be a good solution for a better overview, especially in the kitchen.

The principle of minimalism has helped many to set new priorities and live happier lives.

We have also created a small overview on the subject of minimalism, which you can read here.



5. Bring more organization into your life

Sometimes our everyday life becomes very stressful, we lose track of things. Make a resolution for the new year to bring a little more organization into your life. Simple purchases like a planner or calendar can make a big difference. Writing down appointments and making to-do lists give the day structure and ensure that you don't forget anything important. It also helps to have a visual overview of the whole year. We can recommend the Project Nord calendars: they are very simple, yet modern at the same time - the perfect companion for your everyday life!

When planning your day, don't forget to take breaks too. Especially when you are working on your computer, you should plan several small breaks and get some fresh air.



6. Learn a new skill

Are you amazed about this one friend who plays the piano like a pro? This year, make a resolution to learn a new skill. Though, that doesn't mean you have to spend a ton of money to buy a brand new instrument. For example, start with a few music lessons to find out if and which instrument suits you best.

Try a few new things and maybe that's how you find your new hobby?

Here are a few ideas for inspiration:

  • Try knitting your first scarf using YouTube tutorials

  • Download a language learning app and learn a new language

  • Gather your art supplies and be creative

  • Try out a new sport

  • Dig out grandma's old sewing machine and experiment with scraps of fabric

The nice thing: there are YouTube tutorials and apps for just about anything these days. That means that you don't even have to leave your four walls to learn a new skill, and it saves you money at the same time.



7. Read more

Is your bookshelf getting dusty too? Do you have a pile of books that you've wanted to read for months? Try to make reading a habit this year. For example, you can plan to read at least half an hour each day. Or, try to read a new book every month. After a certain amount of time, you will incorporate the activity ‘reading’ into your everyday life.

Are you wondering what's the point of reading?
Here are a few benefits:

  • You stimulate your brain cells and train your cognitive skills

  • Your ability to concentrate increases

  • You expand your vocabulary and your general knowledge

  • Reading can reduce your stress levels

  • Your creativity is boosted

You can see that there are many benefits to reading. Of course, you don't have to reach for the most complicated book in the bookstore. Read what makes you happy and look for topics that interest you!



8. Meditate or do relaxation exercises

Our everyday life is often marked by stress and hectic pace. Just like reading, relaxation exercises, yoga or meditation can also help to reduce everyday stress. Most of the time we do not even notice how stressed we are until we release the burden.

That is why it is so important to incorporate a few small relaxation exercises into everyday life. For example, do yoga at least once a week. Or try stretching before bed and taking time for yourself to find your inner center again. Meditation has already helped many people to find their focus again.

On portals like YouTube, you can find free yoga classes of all kinds, both for beginners and advanced learners. We can highly recommend “Yoga with Adriene”! There are also plenty of “breathing exercise” guides on the Internet that can help you to reduce stress. Just try it!



9. Take the Scandinavians as an example

In the list featuring the happiest countries in the world of 2020, all Scandinavian countries are in the top 7. There must be something Scandinavians are doing right! In addition to a reliable welfare state, there are also other reasons that can contribute to a happy life.

For example, here are some things that are of great importance in Scandinavia:

  • The Scandinavians live in harmony with nature. That is why sustainability has a high priority. Waste separation and the bicycle as one of the main modes of transport are simply part of everyday life in Scandinavia.

  • Family comes first! In Scandinavia, families and traditions are very important.

  • The way of life according to the “hygge” principle. People in Scandinavia have a different approach to everyday life. A relaxed atmosphere, joie de vivre and friendliness are very important to the people in the north.

We can definitely learn a bit from the Scandinavians. A little more hygge in everyday life definitely couldn't hurt!



10. Keep going, even if things don't go 100% according to plan

Change takes time. Be patient and don't stress yourself, if things don't go according to plan. If you stick with it, sooner or later the change will come. The most important thing is: go into the new year openly and try to bring out the best version of yourself.



We at Project Nord say thank you for this eventful year and wish you a wonderful start into the new year!

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