Minimalist Inspiration! Inspo For More Minimalist Ways of Living


Minimalism - the simple wish to live happily with less, right? Even though it’s meant to be about simplicity, minimalism can feel hard to approach. 

But, don’t worry! We’ve found the perfect places to start. Here, we’ve put together a list of inspiring, uplifting resources so you can learn more about minimalist lifestyles, and at your own pace. Whether you like watching documentaries or getting your nose into a good book, this article is your one-stop destination to getting educated about minimalism.

And stay tuned! Project Nord has created its own resources for you to use so you can become more minimalist today! We’re really excited about our 30 Day Minimalist Challenge. Find out exactly how you can get involved!



1. Documentary - Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things

The Minimalists, 2015

First up, take a look at this documentary, ready to shake you awake to the benefits of living minimally. Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things was created by friends Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus. When they were in their late twenties, Joshua and Ryan’s lives were full of the things meant to be markers of success. They had well-paid jobs, lots of belongings, and yet felt that something was missing. 

Both Joshua and Ryan talk about the events that made them rethink how they lived their lives. The documentary also features snippets from other minimalist thinkers. Each person brings a different voice to the conversation, discussing their personal efforts towards minimalism. This doc is guaranteed to make you reconsider your lifestyle too. Get ready to feel the foundations of everything you perceive about success and consumerism rumble! It’s a bumpy ride, but the boost this documentary gives you is so worth it!

You’ve got no excuse with this one as it’s available to watch on Netflix and other online streaming platforms. And, with a runtime of just over an hour, it’s the perfect easy-but-informative watch! 

Joshua and Ryan don’t just have a film to their name. Take a look at The Minimalists, their website where they post videos, podcasts, and blog entries filled with minimalist inspiration. However you like to consume content, they’ve thought of you.


2. Challenge - 30 Day Minimalist Challenge

Project Nord, 2019

Next, we have Project Nord’s contribution to the discussion about minimalism. We created our own printable, 30 Day Minimalist Challenge to make the path towards a simpler life feel that little bit more… simple. You can start being minimalist today!

Our challenge is made of 30 daily exercises, split into five categories; possessions, relationships, environment, mindfulness, and how you spend your time. Although each exercise is short, taking fifteen minutes tops, the challenge shows you how much agency you have in your life if you free yourself from your stuff.  

Start anytime and get going! Each exercise is thought-provoking, but not over-complicated. They can all be completed on even the busiest of days. And make sure you tick each one off as you complete it. There’s no feeling more satisfying than that. Just think - in thirty days time, you might feel differently about your life!

Here are the steps of what you need to do to take on the challenge:

  1. Enter your email address below. 

  2. Go into your inbox and download the minimalist challenge. 

  3. Print it off and stick it to your wall.

  4. Start from day 1 and keep going!





3. Article - ‘I gave away our stuff’: the minimalists doing more with less

Jo Thornhill, The Guardian, 2019

If you’d like a quick but inspiring read, take a look at this article from the Guardian’s Jo Thornhill. The piece interviews real people as they reflect on their efforts to become more minimalist. 

Jo’s article cites Marie Kondo, whose series is also available on Netflix, as the reason why more people are opting for clutter-free lives. It’s lovely to hear people’s real, uncurated thoughts. Minimalism is not reserved for the uber rich or those on the path to spiritual enlightenment. In fact, it’s becoming a growing and necessary part of modern life. 

Sometimes an article is all we need to get that motivational boost we were yearning for. Educating ourselves is a minimalist act in itself. What could be a better use of our time than learning how to live happier lives?


4. YouTube channel - Living Big in a Tiny House

Bryce Langston, since 2013

Have you ever heard of tiny house living? The concept is quite simple. Tiny house living is the art of downsizing into tiny homes in pursuit of a simplified life.

This phenomenon has grown a huge following over the past decade, partly due to the success of the Living Big in a Tiny House YouTube channel, created by Bryce Langston.

The channel follows Bryce around the world as he explores the ingenious designs and compelling stories which lead enthusiasts to convert to tiny house living. Due to the size of their new homes, lots of the people Bryce interviews undergo vast lifestyle changes to suit their new lodgings. The homes are designed specifically for the people living there, perhaps built by the occupiers themselves. Therefore, the tiny houses end up feeling like portraits.

A lot of the homes are very eco-friendly thanks to their small size, many of them cutting consumption dramatically. The homes suit minimal living in a beautiful way. 

Whether you want to start your own tiny house project or not, these videos are a joy to watch. The effects of minimalism are contagious - even listening to people talk about the freedom of cutting down makes your own life feel more in control. Scroll through Bryce’s videos and see which one appeals to you. He comes out with a new video each week so there’s never a shortage of inspiring footage of people loving living alternatively. 


5. Book - Zero Waste Home: The Ultimate Guide to Simplifying Your Life by Reducing Your Waste

Bea Johnson, 2013

And, for our final piece of minimalist inspiration, we bring you Zero Waste Home: The Ultimate Guide to Simplifying Your Life by Reducing Your Waste. This wonderful book, written by Bea Johnson, was a complete hit when it came out in 2013. It has stood the test of time! 

Bea started out writing a blog about how she was reducing her family’s waste around the house. After its mega-success, Bea decided to take her blog one step further - compound everything she’d written about into a book!

Amazingly, Bea has managed to condense her family’s annual waste down to just half a litre! If you want the tips behind these sorts of changes, Bea is your woman! 

Some say we wouldn’t know the word ‘zero-waste’ without Bea! So, her book is definitely worth a read. Maybe, it’s something you’ll read front to back. Or, it could be the sort of book you’ll dip in and out of, saving it for when you need some minimalist inspiration!



Inspiring stuff! If you want to live more minimally today, then download Project Nord’s 30 Day Minimalist Challenge. Not only will it change your life (wow, right?), but it will also look beautiful displayed on your wall. 

We really do believe in living more minimally here at Project Nord. It’s freeing, life-affirming stuff! So, get involved today and let us know how you get on!

Other minimalist resources from Project Nord:


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Written by Jessica Slater

Graphics by Lujza Grossman

Images sourced from Pinterest and Project Nord.